Financial Statement Preparation

Sutker Moran generates consistent, timely, and accurate monthly financial statements by scrutinizing your financial information monthly with “audit-level” quality.

Sutker has received many compliments from our clients’ CPA firms who conduct audits, reviews, or compilations regarding the accuracy, comprehensiveness, and analysis of the Company’s financial statement’s supporting documentation.

With an efficient monthly closing process that ensures accuracy, Sutker will spend its time analyzing Company performance to better understand and communicate operational variances that will allow your management team to respond timely to issues.

  • Gross Margin Analysis
  • Operational Variances
  • Customer Profitability
  • Product Line Profitability
  • Working Capital Analysis

Case Study: First Skeptical. Now, a Promoter!


A $45 million General Contractor was interviewing candidates to fill its open Controller position. With the prolonged vacancy, the financial statements had not been closed for five months.


The Company Owner was told of Sutker Morans ’ services by his lender. The owner was very skeptical of Sutker’s reported ability to provide full-coverage, high-level CFO/Controller services for significantly less cost of a W2 employee. He took our call as a courtesy to his lender. Intrigued, the owner and we had several follow-up conversations where he eventually hired Sutker over the leading W2 candidate.
Given we were hired during COVID, the entire onboarding process was done remotely. Sutker installed its standard monthly closing process, developed monthly financial analysis, developed monthly financial projections, and instituted a monthly senior management meeting to review financial results and discuss anticipated future operational needs.

The Company recommended us to a $100 million General Contractor they know. We are now also their CFO/Controller.

Case Study: Without Accurate Financial Information, Losses Accumulated

$30 Million Self-Performing Construction Company


A $30 million self-performing construction company has always lacked the necessary financial information to run their business profitability, especially the status of jobs-in-progress. Without accurate financial information, project managers had difficulty managing their jobs. The Company kept on running through various ineffective Controllers.


The cost-conscious owner hired Sutker Moran as their permanent CFO/Controller as Sutker could provide full-coverage, high-level CFO/Controller acumen for significantly less cost than W2 employees. Sutker, immediately, focused on the monthly WIP report leveraging their experience to create an accurate, meaningful, but simple report that the project managers could understand and use to manage their projects. Most importantly, Sutker developed processes and painstakingly implemented procedures surrounding the accounting/managing of the projects as well as other operational areas, resulting in a positive cultural change within the organization.

Case Study: Lack of Information Made it Difficult to Run Business

$60 million Commodity Product Broker


A growing, profitable commodity-item broker never knew how its year would come out as it always had last-minute, year-end surprises on its financial statements. Furthermore, the paper trail of transactions, essential to a brokerage business, was in disarray.


Sutker reorganized administrative processes, allowing for a clear delineation of duties that resulted in the efficient and accurate processing of transactions. We also developed comprehensive monthly projections, complete with accruals that allowed ownership and management to understand and anticipate its financial circumstances; Standardized the closing process, improving the timeliness and accuracy of the financial statements; Developed a monthly gross margin analysis by customer, product line, and customer order to help understand profitability;  Finally, Sutker provided a monthly detailed analysis of results, including the Company’s performance versus projections.

Case Study: Does this Business Really Work?

$20 million web-based furniture maker

One of the two owners of a Company that was in the very mature age of its business cycle but cash flowing began to invest in a start-up business in a potentially burgeoning market. After several years of consistent losses and several million dollars invested, both owners questioned the viability of the business model. Sutker Moran helped construct a working senior management team and “locked arms” with them to make significant restructuring moves. These moves included eliminating a low profit, resource-draining royalty relationship, non-productive sales representatives, as well as identifying and converting excess inventory into cash. Even though Sutker played a small role in Company’s future success, we are proud to say we helped the management team build the foundation to allow it to have doubled in size and consistently generate millions of dollars in annual profits.

Want to learn how Sutker Moran can help improve your profitability?